About last week...

Hello my friends! I am back in action this week. 

Last week was a doozy. Not only did I go into to the week without a plan of action... My husband had a job interview and accepted a position as the Financial Director of a school district, which means we are selling our house and moving! (By July 1st...) It was a whirlwind of nerves leading up to the interview, excitement over the news, interlude of my son's third birthday party and my dad having a little scare with his heart (all is well, just needed to have some tests done!), and then looking at new houses and preparing our house to get it listed ASAP. While I know things won't necessarily slow down now until we get moved, the waiting and uncertainty about whether or not we are going to move won't be stealing my attention anymore. 

I am really excited to jump back in and be more present with this week's work and our class's community! :)

Just a reminder that we have a Marco Polo chat going that any of you are welcome to join at any time. So far we have been cheering one another on and sharing how we're doing. If you want some friendly encouragement, this is a great community to join! 


  1. Can you tell me more about the Marco Polo chat? I'd love to participate!

    1. Yes! Send me an email at adf21@my.fsu.edu with your phone number and I will send you an invite to join us. One of my previous blogs has more information about what Marco Polo is, if you want a little background!

  2. Wow, that is a lot of change! Congratulations to your husband on the job and hope the move goes smoothly! Glad your father is okay as well. Sometimes we need a reset, especially when there is a lot going on. Emily posted this a while back, but I still think about it when I a starting to feel overwhelmed: https://emilys-notions.blogspot.com/2021/06/practicing-self-care.html

    Yes, would like a link to join the Marco Polo chat!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! I will definitely go check out Emily's post for a little help in the self care department.. I'm not always the best at taking time to take care of myself.

      To join the Marco Polo chat I need your phone number.. unfortunately that is the only way to join. You can send it to me in an email at adf21@my.fsu.edu and I will send you an invite!

    2. Hi Abby, I will check out the background on Marco Polo chat. I am not always the best at it either, been trying to be better and take more mental breaks.


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